Lake Baikal, located in Siberia, Russia, is home to a unique natural phenomenon known as floating rocks. These rocks appear to rise on the icy surface of the lake, creating stunning and surreal images. This phenomenon is not the result of magic or makeup, but rather a product of real science.

The floating rocks are actually stones that are pushed to the icy surface of Lake Baikal by strong winds. As the ice forms and expands, it creates a platform for these rocks to rest upon, giving the illusion that they are floating. This natural occurrence showcases the powerful forces of nature at work in shaping the landscape of this beautiful region.

Visitors to Lake Baikal have the opportunity to witness this extraordinary sight and marvel at the beauty and wonder of nature. The floating rocks serve as a reminder of the fascinating and unpredictable ways in which natural processes can create breathtaking scenes that captivate our imagination.
